Pennsylvania Association of Occupational Health Nurses

PAAOHN Offers Free Membership!

Posted over 1 year ago by Troy Burd

Your individual State Chapter and NEAOHN has joined together to thank you for your continued support to our organizations.  Both your state and regional Board of Directors have waived the Pennsylvania (PAAOHN) and Northeast (NEAOHN) membership fees for the 2023 year if you rejoin between now and May 12, 2023.  (If you have already paid, we will extend your membership through 2024!)

In addition, we are extending this to any new members who reside within our 10 regional states.  Please take this opportunity to introduce your nursing friends to NEOAHN and your state chapters.  Those nursing students and non-occupational health nurse who have been working alongside you for the past few years can formally be introduced to our organizations. Throughout COVID, we introduced so many nurses to our field.  Reach out and introduce PAAOHN and NEAOHN to at least two new members.

We have survived several years of upheaval as both individuals and professionals.  As we return to a more normal rhythm in this post COVID world, it is time to solidify your professional well being.  One of the best ways to do that is through active participation in PAAOHN & NEAOHN, your premier OHN professional organizations.  Networking, education and friendship await you when you re-engage.  

Don't wait!  2023 will be a dynamic year for PAAOHN and NEAOHN – stay with us, reconnect with your colleagues and open the door for new members.  Stay tuned…….


President, PAAOHN